The City Hardware 20% Off Bag Club!

Here’s how it works...

every so often (usually once a year), City Hardware holds a weekend sale event to show our appreciation for you - our loyal fans!
we send an email only to those who have signed up announcing the date for the event
you come in during the event and tell us you’re here to save 20%!
almost anything you can fit in a large bag we provide is reduced 20% at the register!  (power tools and sale items excluded)

That’s it!  And you don’t have to worry about us giving your email address out to anyone, ever.  We wouldn’t want it done to us, so we’d never do it to you.

Signing up is simple: just click the email link below and tell us your name and the email address you’d like to be notified at.  We’ll get you on the list right away!
Copyright © 2014 City Hardware
sign me up!!!shapeimage_2_link_0
C i t y  H a r d w a r e & General Store
Seattle’s neighborhood hardware store in the city
locally owned and operated, environmentally conscious and pooch friendly!
And if you like our Bag Club, you’ll love our Customer Rewards program!  Click here for details.